18 October, 2012

Courgette rissoles recipe

Today I will share one of my favourite recipe. It is very easy to make, it is perfect for vegetarians and for dinner guests. I made from our own grown zucchini (courgette) and herbs.

1 normal zucchini
1 egg
bread crumbs
fresh chopped basil
1-2 coffee spoon fresh rosemary
10-12 decagram grated smoked cheese
pepper as you like

How to make: First wash the zucchini and dry it. Cut off the ends. If you do not like or the skin is thick, peel it. Then cut into half alongside, and clean the inside from cores. Then cut into smaller peaces in order to grate it with an apple grater. Put the salt on it, and wait at least 30 minutes. After that press the water out from the grated zucchini well!! Then put one egg, the herbs, the cheese and the pepper. Then put some bread crumbs. When you able to form it without falling apart, it is good.
Make flat rissoles shape and fry it in a pan until it gets roasted.

This meal is good for garnish as well. But I think it is better if you make some garlic sour creme ("tejföl" in Hungarian) and dunk it.
Bon Appetite!

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