30 September, 2012

My first sewing project

As I get a nice sewing machine for last Christmas, I finally had the occasion to try something easy to sew. I had no book or journal, so I checked on the internet what could be my first project. Of course before I started I learned how to handle a sewing machine. I learned it from the instruction booklet. And I practiced and practiced on a piece of fabric.

So I preferred something from YouTube. I share this video to You. And I say thank you to the girl who uploaded it.

So here are the results:

The first one was the beige with button. To be honest it was very easy to follow the video, but I had to restart some steps:)
Actually it turned out so well, that I could give it as a present to my friends. Exept the very first one. It is still mine...

29 September, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Yes, you find another "crafty" blog! What can I offer to You? I am not a designer, or a craft artist. I am just a person who like handmade things, cooking, baking and I am just learning to sew from the Internet. And I hope I can share my sewing/crafting/cooking experiences with You and my inspirations as well! Just have fun during your visit here, and post and share if you like!
Enjoy it!